Heritage Museum

Heritage Museum

Jean Byers, Director
Phone: 225-774-1776
Email: jbyers@cityofbakerla.com

Bertie Thomas, Senior Museum Assistant
Phone: 225-774-1776
Email: bakermuseum@cityofbakerla.com

1606 Main Street in Baker, LA, 70714

PO Box 707, Baker, LA 70704


Educators Corner

A wide variety of resources are available at the museum for use by educators.

We will set an exhibit to coincide with current class studies and emphasis. We will work with home schooling "moms" to offer a social and educational environment for children who might otherwise miss out on the field trip aspect of the normal school situation. Chest

Box Exhibits which may be borrowed by teachers, librarians, clubs, organizations. A classroom or library may keep the materials for up to two weeks. Or a staff member will come to your group with the box exhibit for a presentation.

We will coordinate with classroom teachers to display the "Fruits Of The Classroom", special art projects, bulletin displays, and other educational tools.

Exhibit Box

The Heritage Museum, seeking to make our exhibits, research, programs and projects as accessible to the greatest number of people, especially students, has prepared a series of BOX EXHIBITS to be loaned at no cost to groups, classrooms, libraries, and individuals.

The exhibits are designed with great weight and consideration given to the State of Louisiana Curriculum Guidelines, Thematic Categories, Benchmarks and Key Concepts in the Social Studies and Art fields.

The following is a list of the exhibits offered:

The Ballot Box

An exhibit of materials and objects relating to the fundamental right and responsibility of American citizens - their right and responsibilty to vote. Includes information relative to US colonization and to the creation of the democratic nation.

The Money Box

An exhibit of materials and objects relating to money, the history of money and banking, the powers of government relative to money. Includes examples of US and international currencies and coins.

The Sewing Box

An exhibit of objects and information relative to the creation and care of textiles and garments. Offers a comparison of life and folks ways in the past to modern day life ways.

The Music Box

An exhibit of objects and information relative to the creation, amplification and
dissemination of music and audio recordings. Includes technical information relative to radio transmission.

The Letter Box

An exhibit of stamps, stationery, cards, calling cards, and some history of writing forms, languages, letter writing, postal services.

The Hat Box

An exhibit of hats. Compares styles and trends over several decades.

The Shoe Box

An exhibit of shoes through several decades. Includes information on the history and the
manufacture of shoes.

The Memory Box

Similar to a scrapbook, this box contains familiar objects that people have cherished and saved. Letters, documents and toys, ribbons, cards, diaries, autograph books, small scrapbooks, personal items. Compares past and present ideas and life ways.

The Way We See It

An exhibit of devices that either produce, enhance, or magnify visual images. Includes early forms of cameras, stereopticans, eye galsses, mirrors, illustrations of optical illusions. Also includes some old texts, documents, letters.

Outreach Programs


The Heritage Museum monthly publishes Musings, a two to three page newsletter describing programs, exhibits, and events sponsored by the Museum, and providing regular updates on cultural activities and issues relevant to our city.

Box Exhibits

The Museum has created a series of Box Exhibits, using segments of our collection, accompanied by reference material and appropriate labeling. The exhibits are available free of charge to be checked out by teachers, parents, librarians, group leaders or individuals. The exhibits are created with Louisiana educational standards and guidelines clearly in mind. The objects and information panels come to the classroom in small manageable boxes and require only table and bulletin board space for set up. Box Exhibits may be checked out for up to two weeks, or may be a one day event, and may be accompanied by a speaker if desired.


Speakers are available to accompany the Box Exhibits, or you may request a Speaker without the exhibits. Our staff and volunteers welcome the opportunity to speak to area organizations and classrooms.


The museum receives e-mail under the Director's address, mailto:bakermuseum@cityofbakerla.com

Exhibit Box Program